I like showing how a big idea—inequality, work or artistic freedom—translates to the lived experiences of different people and communities. Because of my interest in the intersection of various issues, I enjoy covering politics and policy matters as much as the arts and culture.
My first book The Naysayer’s Book Club was published in 2018. It features conversations with 26 Singaporeans who challenge the status quo in different ways, from activism to art. Each person was interviewed with their bookcase as the backdrop to bring to life the ideas that shaped their work. In 2019, The Naysayer’s Book Club was named the Book of the Year by the Singapore Book Awards.
"This collection of interviews with 26 remarkable, eloquent and colourful Singaporean personalities who are not afraid to say ‘No, Sir!’ – or Ma’am as the case may be – while resolutely and immeasurably contributing to Singapore’s civic evolution, is an important, provocative, inspiring, gutsy and relevant book of the times.”
— Kathryn Lane, judge of the Singapore Book Awards
“My Singapore book of the year is The Naysayer’s Book Club—what wonderful, bibliophilic counter-discourses Simon Vincent has assembled. A much needed alternate reading list.”
— Joanne Leow, literary scholar and writer
“Simon Vincent has hunted down 26 rebels who have unplugged themselves from the pods of compliance that connect to the Matrix of Singapore. In 26 incisive interviews, these rebels question and challenge the establishment on topics and taboos that range from press freedom, the death penalty, gay activism, to the race-reserved elected presidency. A roller-coaster ride of a book!”
— Sebastian Sim,,
author of The Riot Act and Let’s Give it Up for Gimme Lao!
Selected articles
PAP realism in an endangered world
Behind the scenes at Singapore's only independent cinema
Singapore's inequality debate reignited after charity criticism
Evangelicalism rising in secular Singapore
Accidental activist applies lens to Singapore’s hot-button issues
"Press Gang": the journalist and the political heart of Singapore